To view reports and settings for a specific student you can click the blue link next to their name from your main Teacher Dashboard page.
You will be taken to a new page where you can view reports on their progress and see a list of questions they need help with or that you need to grade.
The first tab is a list of the lessons your student has started. You can see their progress, mark all questions as correct, reset a lesson, or edit their test scores. Click on an individual lesson to see details about their performance and progress on that lesson. You can also manually edit their score by clicking the little pencil icon next to each score. The Lesson Report will create a printer-friendly view of all the answers they typed in.
The second tab is Action Items where you see the problems your student needs help with or needs you to grade. You can mark each question as correct or incorrect or if you'd like to mark them all correct with one click, use the "Mark All Correct" button.
The third tab contains Test Results for your student. Read about Administering Tests.
The fourth tab is the Concept Mastery report which is a quick way to see what math concepts your student is struggling with. This is only available for certain Saxon Math books.
This report is not intended to be used for grading purposes! It shows how your student has performed on the concepts taught by each lesson. The Correct column shows the number of times they have answered a question correctly on the first attempt for questions that are based on the concepts taught in that lesson. For example, if your student answers 5 questions that are based on the concepts from Lesson 5 and gets 3 of them right on the first try, they will show 60% score for Lesson 5 on this report. You can use this to find possible weak spots in your student's understanding. Adjust the slider to filter the results.
The fifth tab contains Settings for your student.